Poem for my July 4th ER Visit

I went in for a shot
Hormone it be
I drove myself in
Parked my car
And walked across the street
But not know to me
I did not go far
Took the elevator up
To the 11th floor
Of Build 2
I waited for my appointment
It was scheduled at two
They got me in
Took my weight
Then my BP
That was the problem
Now a team of
Four people around me
My BP was low
Crashing I was to not know
They asked me about
A million questions
About how I felt
I told them I drove
From Stevenson way
And parked an walked
To the building away
Tired I said
And hot flashes too
But they said
My BP was no go
They gave me an IV
With saline it was
It seemed to help
My body machine
But off to ER
On a July the fourth day
In an ambulance no less
My first I have been
And they gave me more IV
WIth a bigger cather
It was
Up to the ER
And off to a room
Lucky for me
It was still afternoon
More doctors came
And checked me out
Very nice nurses
Lots of tests
With just Fluids my BP
Seemed to be getting better
Then I saw an old friend
From IT days
Who is now a nurse
In the ER ways
Charity is her name
Of support fame
Now a great nurse
So nice to see her
Her smile
I told the other nurse
Stories about her frosting hand cream
And how we always thought
She brought in fresh cupcakes
The nurse laughed
As she still uses it
Nice to see Charity
And her brightness
In ER land
All the nurses there
So bright
And joy
To be in an ER
On a July fourth day
And yme
Just wanting to go
Out to play
Between all the tests
Overnight I will stay
But moved to a place
I heard no fireworks
On the fourth of July
My first with no loud firework sounds
Just the beeping of my IV
If I bent my arm around
All the nurse were great
So caring they be
With stories
And smiles
In an ER I be
Next day I went home
Tired but better
I learned not to take my
My BP meds
When doing chemo
I now know
For home to rest
And make sure
I get fluids
Twelve hours slept
Antibiotics too
To all the nurses that day
I wish to thank you
For taking care of me
What a job you do