First 12-week visit

It’s been a while since I’ve seen your smiling face
I’m on my transition
To only coming in every 12 weeks
Kind of shocking at first
But I breathe through the shock
I feel the warmth radiating from you
So glad you’re my oncologist
You always tell me how worried you were
When you first saw me
I feel the sweetness in your heart
I never had that worry
Feeling relief
Knowing what I decided
Knowing I was in your hands
And the team
I will always remember
My blood work getting done
Being told it was okay to move forward
To the next step
The wonderful team
Such caring for patients
Even when something’s not signed right
Or I have to wait for something
I feel all of your patience
And you’re caring for patients
What a job you have
You show that caring
Every time I’m there
I feel it
I am grateful for it
I thank you all for being there