(drawing done by a friend who is an artist) My day started late 11 o’clock To get blood drawn Went great A few valves To work around So blood could come Slurping down Stent in for chemo Had a good talk with Nurse Indigo Old houses Squeaky disk brakes on her bike Her smile was bright Cheerful she was It helps When one is getting chemo To feel the care From the Nurses, PA and Dr’s there I do feel that From my first exam To my sixth and last chemo I know they all work so hard I feel how they shine Then and 12:50 Talk with Shoshana PA-C Extraordinaire Always upbeat High energy Great smile And can deal With my Rattling brain And all my questions On to chemo Walked to my chair Window seat Sun shines on me My six chemo And chemo is done Still can’t believe it Lesions have shrunk I will find out more In my next scan In early November But now On to last chemo Opps Some paperwork Not signed Nurse Megan Handles it So well Only an extra 15 min In paperwork hell Her smile is there We talk She listens I think its the drugs That makes my mouth Run I think I will call it Diarrhea of the mouth Yet she listens and responds With such grace I with to thank her And all the people At OHSU Who have made this process As good as it could be I know on the days When there are 80 or more of us All getting chemo And I see and hear The nurses All the different patents Some not doing as well a I am Or having other issues I feel the nurses caring And their heart Just having them there And their attitude Makes my treatment Better Thanks you all For being there For being who you are You have make my treatment So much Better Even when things didn't go as planned Even when I ended up in ER In on July 4th I still say The only time I have not heard fireworks On July 4th Paperwork not signed Took some time And got it done Broken blood machine In the lab So manual process The lab had to do To get all my blood work All the way through All the drugs me Both chemo’s too Then the Neulasta onpro To help My White blood cells Grow grow and grow My visit is over Sixth chemo Is done Dinner On my mind Celebration In my plans I am going to look At the stars On the next dark moon night McClellan Overlook With a view of St Helens That makes my life bright And reminds me There are things bigger than me That will be here Longer than me I will think of all of you And how you all shine And are stars in my life Your brightness shows Thank you again For being there The awake drug Has done it's work A chemo poem Has been born