Sometimes when I’m out on a walk

The mountains around me
I think of all of you
The nurses
The doctors
The PAs
Other staff
And I’m grateful
that you are all there
I can only imagine how hard it is
Sometimes watching patients
Trying not to get hooked
I remember having chemo
And watching all the people
having chemo
Wondering what was their story
Wondering how they were doing
How they were processing it
For myself
I realize we all process
In our own way
For me that meant pushing
through my chemo
Seeing how I felt every day
Taking my temperature
Calling if I needed to
Even reaching out
to the on call.
I still remember
Going to my first
chemo appointment
Driving on I-84
Leaving early
Plenty of time
I thought
As I live far away
Getting to almost Bonneville dam
And being stopped
Sitting there for 45 minutes
Would I make it to my appointment
Then backing up on the freeway
In the left lane
Turning around
Getting into the shoulder
Getting off on exit 40
Back over the bridge of the gods
Down highway 14
Calling to see
If you would still see me
For my first chemo
You still made time
for me that day
Finding out later
They closed I-84
Until about 3PM
What it reminds me of
Is sometimes we have
to make U-turns in our life
Sometimes things don’t
go as planned
Yet there are people there
That care for us
And make changes
In there own space
And open their own hearts
And take time to care for us
I want to thank you
For being there
I still feel your caring
And am grateful
That you are there
You are noticed
At least by me